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Defense System

Inflammatory response



Antibody (immunoglobin protein)

Types of Immune Response

B-Lymphocytes: The Humoral Response

T-Lymphocytes: Cell-Mediated Response

Table 3-12-3: Different types of immunity
Active (Antibodies made by the human immune system, long term acting due to memory cells) Passive (Given-Antibodies, short term acting)
Natural - Response to disease- Rejecting transplant - Acquired antibodies (via placenta, breast milk)
Artificial(immunisation) - Vaccination (Injection of the antigen in a weakened form) - Injection of antibodies from an artificial source, e.g. anti venom against snake biter
Differences - Antibody in response to antigen - Production of memory cells - Long lasting - Antibodies provided - No memory cells - Short lasting

How vaccines produce responses by the immune system

Artificial active immunity